Sunday, November 23, 2008

Still Making Progress

I have seamed the top, down the sides, and across the bottom, with the exception of the middle bottom. I think that there will be some adjusting to do all along the way, and I don't want to lock myself in to a certain perimeter right now.
Above, there is a vertical space between two rectangles. It is small enough that I decided to fill in with background color. I picked up stitches, knitted garter stitch rows, using what I learned in entrelac to make connections at the top end. Below, you can see the space (one turn to the left from above picture) again, with the newly knitted portion ready to be seamed.

This entire blanket is taking this sort of detailed attention as I do the seaming. Currently, I am working on the other space that is visible in the top picture, just above the Courthouse Steps (emerald/white) block. I made a tiny log cabin rectangle and filled in the small space to the left of the Courthouse Steps a couple of days ago. I am loving the work! I have patience I didn't know I had, and am gratified that my brain is able to figure out these details. It's important to remember that these blocks are all knitted randomly, with no attention given to number of stitches or size. So placement is crucial, and a great deal of filling in is a given.
Maybe I will have a bit more to show you after the feast; I hope you each have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an interesting project! I admire your cleverness and your tenacity.