Yesterday, I tumbled this in the dryer on air fluff (no heat) to remove lint and cat hairs. I washed it this morning in cold water and Woolite on the delicate cycle; dried on lowest temperature.
The colors remained vibrant; the wash water was not colored with dyes. There was a bit of shrinkage, but nothing alarming.
This big project is completed and I am happy to be able to give this to my daughter-in-law on her birthday in a few days.
This big project is completed and I am happy to be able to give this to my daughter-in-law on her birthday in a few days.
Now, I am looking forward to spring and new projects for my needles! I hope you are, too!
Well done on finishing your epic project! It looks lovely. x K
That is very beautiful! I love the pattern and the colors. You should be so proud - I can't imagine tackleing such a large project.
Do you have another big project in mind?
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